HYDROERGIA participated in a the economic mission together with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
took part in the Economic Forum in Ljubljana, as well as Business Forums in
Zagreb and Belgrade.
28.09-2.10.2015 Hydroergii representatives
participated together with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Undersecretary
of State Ms. Katarzyna Kacperczyk in the economic Mission in Slovenia, Croatia
and Serbia. During a economic mission to Ljubljana we took part, among others
in the debate "25 years of privatization in Poland and Slovenia", as
well as the Economic Forum. In the following days in Croatia and Serbia we
participated in the Business Forums, bilateral talks and business meetings.
the presented materials come from the
Ministry of Foreign Affairs. For more information about the economic mission of
Polish entrepreneurs in Croatia can be found at:
We would like to thank all the participants who took part in those events, as well as the organizers. Below is a brief photo report of the economic mission in Slovenia - Croatia - Serbia.