Polski English
Water management instructions Water Management Instruction: In accordance with Regulation of the Minister for the Environment of 17 August
2006 (Dz. U. 2006, No 150 item 1087) on the range of the instruction of water management, water management instruction should
consist of graphic and descriptive parts. The descriptive part for the reservoi and dams includes:
- general information regarding the location of water equipment,
- name of an owner, administrator or a user directly responsible for water management and water equipment maintenance,
- specification of tasks the water equipment is to perform,
- basic information about the water equipment regarding:
- water lifting levels including minimum water lifting level, minimum energetic level, regular water lifting level,
maximum water lifting level, extraordinary water lifting level and their duration,
- heights of water lifting,
- flows, including low average flow, guaranteed flow, inviolable flow, allowed flow, flood flow, catastrophic flow, leading flow,
- acceptable pace of lowering and increasing of water levels at the top and bottom position,
- maximum capacity of the water equipment, threats and conditions in
water management which occur during lowering the water lifting level
below minimum,
- determination of water use in regular consumption conditions,
- determination of the course of action at the time of ice phenomena,
- description of the observation and measuring network essential for water management,
- a list of measuring equipment connected with water management situated on the water equipment,
- determination of basic activities related with water management as well as people responsible for their performance,
- a list of cooperating plants and people responsible for water
management, including scope of their responsibilities and competence as
well as the way of communication between them,
- determination of the mode of communication by the person responsible
for water management and water equipment maintenance with the
coordination and information center on flood protection
of the regional board for water management about the occurrence on the
water equipment dangerous situations resulting from weather conditions,
- determination of the mode of communication by the person responsible
for water management and water equipment maintenance with the
coordination and information center on flood protection of the
regional board for water management municipal, county and regional
response team as well as the Institute of Meteorology and Water
Management about the discharge of water above the flow allowed.
The graphic part of the instruction for the reservoir ans dams includes:
- plans and schemes concerning water equipment connected with water management,
- topographic maps in the scale from 1:1000 to1:10000 adjusted to the size of the water equipment including the location of dams,
water intakes, pump stations, water inlet canals as well as objects retrieving and dumping water,
- discharge-drawdown curve of spillways.
To the instructions of the reservoir and dams are accompanied by the following:
- copies of aquatic legal surveys regarding given water equipment
- copies of aquatic legal surveys regarding other water equipment or object within range of interaction – if issued
Water Management Instruction: In accordance with Regulation of the Minister for the Environment of 17 August 2006 (Dz. U. 2006, No 150 item 1087) on the range of the instruction of water management, water management instruction should consist of graphic and descriptive parts. The descriptive part for the reservoi and dams includes:
- general information regarding the location of water equipment,
- name of an owner, administrator or a user directly responsible for water management and water equipment maintenance,
- specification of tasks the water equipment is to perform,
- basic information about the water equipment regarding:
- water lifting levels including minimum water lifting level, minimum energetic level, regular water lifting level, maximum water lifting level, extraordinary water lifting level and their duration,
- heights of water lifting,
- flows, including low average flow, guaranteed flow, inviolable flow, allowed flow, flood flow, catastrophic flow, leading flow,
- acceptable pace of lowering and increasing of water levels at the top and bottom position,
- maximum capacity of the water equipment, threats and conditions in water management which occur during lowering the water lifting level below minimum,
- determination of water use in regular consumption conditions,
- determination of the course of action at the time of ice phenomena,
- description of the observation and measuring network essential for water management,
- a list of measuring equipment connected with water management situated on the water equipment,
- determination of basic activities related with water management as well as people responsible for their performance,
- a list of cooperating plants and people responsible for water management, including scope of their responsibilities and competence as well as the way of communication between them,
- determination of the mode of communication by the person responsible for water management and water equipment maintenance with the coordination and information center on flood protection of the regional board for water management about the occurrence on the water equipment dangerous situations resulting from weather conditions,
- determination of the mode of communication by the person responsible for water management and water equipment maintenance with the coordination and information center on flood protection of the regional board for water management municipal, county and regional emergency response team as well as the Institute of Meteorology and Water Management about the discharge of water above the flow allowed.
The graphic part of the instruction for the reservoir ans dams includes:
- plans and schemes concerning water equipment connected with water management,
- topographic maps in the scale from 1:1000 to1:10000 adjusted to the size of the water equipment including the location of dams, water intakes, pump stations, water inlet canals as well as objects retrieving and dumping water,
- discharge-drawdown curve of spillways.
To the instructions of the reservoir and dams are accompanied by the following:
- copies of aquatic legal surveys regarding given water equipment
- copies of aquatic legal surveys regarding other water equipment or object within range of interaction – if issued