Polski English
Program-spatial concept of SHP and fish ladders The program-spatial concept of SHP is necessary for the investor to set a bill of quantities of the investment,
to understand and became aware of the investment scale and it is essential to obtain the decision about the conditions
of development. Moreover, the concept is very helpful while making arrangements with the parties involved in the project,
ie. The State Owned Forests, Management of Drainage, Regional Water Management Boards, Fishing Associations,
etc. The concept includes the following:
- analysis of the hydrological data of the project,
- study of the feasibility of the project,
- selection of the parameters of the installed hydro power plant,
- turbines selection – number, diameter, power (aiming at the highest energy production),
- generators selection (power, rotational speed, transmission (if necessary),
- description of a power generation system,
- description and selection of trash-rack cleaning machines, technological elements,
- description of the hydro power plant flow system including measurements of:
- turbine inlet chamber, sucking pipe shape, SHP inlet and outlet canals, - energy production analysis,
- conceptual drawings of a hydro power plant,
- determination of SHP location on a cadastral map.
NOTE: The concept is essential to obtain the decision about the
conditions of development and also as an appendix for further
documentation and arrangements.
The program-spatial concept of SHP is necessary for the investor to set a bill of quantities of the investment, to understand and became aware of the investment scale and it is essential to obtain the decision about the conditions of development. Moreover, the concept is very helpful while making arrangements with the parties involved in the project, ie. The State Owned Forests, Management of Drainage, Regional Water Management Boards, Fishing Associations, etc. The concept includes the following:
- analysis of the hydrological data of the project,
- study of the feasibility of the project,
- selection of the parameters of the installed hydro power plant,
- turbines selection – number, diameter, power (aiming at the highest energy production),
- generators selection (power, rotational speed, transmission (if necessary),
- description of a power generation system,
- description and selection of trash-rack cleaning machines, technological elements,
- description of the hydro power plant flow system including measurements of:
- turbine inlet chamber, sucking pipe shape, SHP inlet and outlet canals, - energy production analysis,
- conceptual drawings of a hydro power plant,
- determination of SHP location on a cadastral map.
NOTE: The concept is essential to obtain the decision about the conditions of development and also as an appendix for further documentation and arrangements.